Motivation Monday #inspire #quote
I need to be reminded of this daily Happy Monday, y'all!...
Friday funnies: Leroy & Loretta in the Raiser’s Edge!! 🙂 #blkbre
Even Leroy and Loretta can't agree on who the Head of Household is!!! Happy Friday,...
Updated numbers for #givingtuesday encouraging!! #lifthelowcountry
The Lowcountry's version of #givingtuesday is being reported as a national leader! According to the leadership at Coastal Community Foundation, that number will only grow,a s money from incentive donors is tallied. Congratulations all around, including to the 179...
#ICYMI!!!!! Blackbaud delays release of Raiser’s Edge 7.94 by 2 weeks! #blkbre
According to emails from Blackbaud, the much anticipated release of The Raiser's Edge Version 7.94 has been delayed until Sunday, February 8 (I'm assuming for non-hosted clients it will be available on that Monday.) Blackbaud cited "findings in additional...