ABCs of the Raiser’s Edge:S is for Sort fields #blkbre
Oh the frustration……you know the scenario. You've got your Raiser's Edge Query just right, you’ve built a beautiful Export with all the fields you want, filtered just so…you’re feeling so proud of your Raiser’s Edge geekiness...
LESSons From LESS: It’s a requirement
In a standard version of the Raiser’s Edge, the only required field for a new Constituent record is the Last Name/Org Name, which is why they display in a different color (by default, it's that nasty Microsoft Cyan; remember Windows 95???
LESSons from LESS: Make it easier by making it the default
Have you ever wondered why the first row of a Gift or Constituent Batch is a different color? That’s because it behaves differently than the other, standard data entry rows; it is what’s called the Default Row.