LESSons from LESS: GoTo it  #blkbre

LESSons from LESS: GoTo it #blkbre


One of the coolest things about a relational database like the Raiser’s Edge is, well….the relationships 😉 Not like people relationships, but data and record relationships. While most all databases have related data connected in the background, not many make it as easy to navigate between those related records as the Raiser’s Edge does.


In many places in the Raiser’s Edge, you’ll see a little skinny, right pointing arrow about half way across the toolbar. If it is illuminated, you have an option to easily toggle to some other record linked to the record you are currently viewing. If you’ve opened one when you meant to open the other,don’t sweat it! Instead of closing, clicking on Open (again!), Searching (again!), and then finding (again!) the one you really wanted in the first place, just GoTo it using the arrow 🙂


It’s widely available, but the two most often used are to toggle between:

  • Spouse Constituent records: how many times have you opened his record only to find out all the Gifts are on hers? 😳
  • Flipping between Pledges and Pledge payments: Have you ever opened a Pledge payment when what you really wanted to see was the overall Pledge? 😮

Throughout the Raiser’s Edge, when you see that little blue arrow, you can rest assured that you can easily switch to another record, related to the record you’re currently viewing.


CONSTITUENT Bio 1 Spouse Constituent record
GIFT (ALL TYPES) Any Constituent record of donor
PLEDGE Any Pledge payment gift records
ACTION Any Constituent record acted upon
MEMBERSHIP(optional module) Any Constituent record of member



In addition to the toolbar, in many places that display lists of linked Constituents (like the Relationships tab of a Constituent record or the Solicitor tab of a Fund record), you will find it conveniently available by highlighting a name in the list (with a single left click), then a right click to display a menu that includes that same little arrow.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could manage and navigate between people relationships as easily as we can between data and record relationships in the Raiser’s Edge?

Keeping you on the Leading Edge,



LESSons from LESS: GoTo it  #blkbre

LESSons from LESS: Making copies……..#bbre #bbfe


Do you find yourself wasting time making copies of Raiser’s Edge or Financial Edge reports to send to Board members or others who don’t have access to the database? Well that doesn’t have to be the case! Any report in the Raiser’s Edge or the Financial Edge can be exported as .pdf file   that is readable in Adobe Reader (Click Preview, then click on the envelope with the red arrow icon on the toolbar ), which is free (www.adobe.com)! Once you’ve clicked on the export icon, choose to save it as a disk file. Then it’s available to emailed as an attachment. You can even include instructions for downloading Adobe Reader free online! Save trees, money, and time!


Keeping you on the Leading Edge,

Notes from the Pasture: Wesley House #bbre #bbfe

After over a dozen years of working exclusively with non-profit organizations, I’ve learned at least 2 things about true non-profit professionals:

  • They are extremely busy
  • They are extremely good about saying “Thank you” to their donors and volunteers-in writing. It’s just part of who they are.

With so little time and so many more important others to thank, I’m always overwhelmed when a client takes the time to thank ME in writing.

Thanks to Karen and all my little lambs at Wesley House Family Services for a wonderful week in Key West and for this beautiful letter.

It was truly my pleasure and privilege to help you

Keeping you on the Leading Edge,