What a great way to say thank you!! #blkbre #annualgiving

Humbolt State U. Postcard Image_Front

I just LOVED this clever idea shared by the folks at The Annual Giving Network from Humboldt State University! I will definitely be sharing it with my private school and higher ed little lambs! Check out the clever name they’ve given to their group of student callers 🙂

Would you know the best way to track these hand written Donor Acknowledgement Letters in the Raiser’s Edge?

Keeping you on the Leading Edge,


BlackbaudCertified_Icon Blackbaud Certified Raiser’s Edge Professional

Multi-channel cross generational fundraising:Demystified

I thought you might enjoy these 5 great pointers from Frank Berry about how to connect with different generations of donors. My favorite is #1. That seems rather silly at first, but really, how you target your appeals without it. Did you know that the Raiser’s Edge can break down giving by age?

What’s your favorite of Frank’s tips?


Timely acknowledgement is not optional! #blkbre #afp @charityclarity

Timely acknowledgement is not optional! #blkbre #afp @charityclarity

Even though I’m a Raiser’s Edge consultant and not a fundraising consultant in the purest sense, I’m often asked about recommended best practices for things like gift processing and especially, the acknowledgement process. Having spent over a dozen years working intimately with non-profits of all types to maximize their use of the Raiser’s Edge, I’ve picked up a few things along the way, so I was thrilled when my good friend Marc Pitman shared this post by Clare Alexrad, J.D., CFRE, on the topic of achieving timely acknowledgement of gifts. She provides hard evidence from reliable industry experts like AFP to make her case about the impact and importance of timely acknowledgement. I really like what she has to say.

Take a look and let me know if you agree.

Keeping you on the Leading Edge,


Mobile giving trends #ephilanthropy

Mobile giving trends #ephilanthropy

Here’s an interesting post from the folks at nonprofitbridge.com by Kristen Gramigna about trends toward giving via smart phones. I found her remarks regarding non-profits sending text appeals and  impulse  mobile giving particularly interesting. What do you think about her conclusion that ” Being able to relate visually to the situation may be as important to the donor as ease of use and the low dollar amount.”?

Is your non-profit including mobile giving  in your multi-channel strategy?
