And I quote:”Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.” – Rafiki, from The Lion King #quotes #inspire

And I quote:”Do or do not. There is no ‘try’.” -Yoda, from Star Wars #inspire #quotes
Notes from the Pasture: Wesley House #bbre #bbfe
After over a dozen years of working exclusively with non-profit organizations, I’ve learned at least 2 things about true non-profit professionals:
- They are extremely busy
- They are extremely good about saying “Thank you” to their donors and volunteers-in writing. It’s just part of who they are.
With so little time and so many more important others to thank, I’m always overwhelmed when a client takes the time to thank ME in writing.
Thanks to Karen and all my little lambs at Wesley House Family Services for a wonderful week in Key West and for this beautiful letter.
It was truly my pleasure and privilege to help you
Keeping you on the Leading Edge,
Don’t you just love getting caught doing it right?
rSometimes, while you’re just busy doing what you love, doing your best, someone takes time out to not only notice, but to say something about it. It happened recently at Leading Edge, prompting this letter from the Executive Director at Third Millennim Ministries.
Should someone you work with or for get a similiar letter from you?
Thank you, Michael; we love you, too
Greenville Symphony Orchestra, Greenville, SC
One of the things I love, love, LOVE about my job is the diversity of the wonderful work my clients do. Having taken 15 years of piano lessons, 12 years of voice lessons, and marched in the high school band, I have a keen appreciation for the important role that the arts play in our civilization. Imagine,then, my delight at the opportunity to help the Greenville Symphony Orchestra with their fund raising efforts. According to Anne Genevieve Gallivan, Director of Development, they, too, were delighted with my help. Here’s what she had to say.