The ABCs of the Raiser’s Edge:O is for Options #raisersedge
Options are optimal; I'm a big fan of options and am often known to opt in! In the Raisers' Edge, you have User Options (which will be the topic of a future post), but few people realize that user's also have Options to control how all of the search windows behave...
LESSons:Together,we’re better! Let’s get social:) #blkbre
Do you ever wish you could just talk to another Raiser's Edge or Financial Edge user about a particular issue or problem you’re having? Do you ever wonder how other organizations are using the system, or if you’re using it as efficiently as...
11 Donate Now Best Practices from
The always spot on Heather Mansfield, author of Social Media for Social Good, offers up a great list of best practices when building and maintaining your online donations page. Some of them may surprise you! As a Raiser's Edge consultant, I was especially...