Love A Child earns Guidestar’s 4 star rating!
A great non-profit resource round-up from @NonprofitOrgs !
Here’s a great round-up from Heather Mansfield over at @NonprofitOrg and DIOSA Communications. Most of these resources are free, and y’all know how I feel about free stuff for my awesome clients! Take a look; I think you’ll find some gems in there! Thanks, Heather, for putting this all in one place! Which ones of the 50 resources did you find most useful?
Facebook Changes:What the Experts are Saying
If you don’t think that Facebook has become an integral part of our social culture,
Social Media Goodies:Insight into Google+ from Liz Deloach @socialstrateg & @marcapitman
WOW! I so appreciate it when these social media experts like @lizdeloach over at Social Strategies & @marcapitman at do my homework for me! Where were you guys in high school???
Liz and Marc are both always early adopters, so it’s no surprise that they are both all over Google+. While they both like it, they each offer a different perspective. Check out Liz’s Social Strategies post here, and Marc’s post here. I think they’re each a great read, don’t you?
Thanks for sharing, y’all!

Inspiration Found:On my desktop;what is yours saying?
Today’s post is more personal in nature; after all, I’m not just a Raiser’s Edge monkey- I’m a person, too